Her see-through coat reveals

It seems now, sadly, we can sweep the leaves of Autumn under the hedgerows.  It is one beautiful season, though, that at first you are sad to see arrive; then enjoy the rich deep colours of (often without admitting it) and again, we are sad to see it depart.


We are left with the nasty, biting cold of this apparent ice lady who reveals all, called Winter.  She comes from the north, baring all branches, freezing puddles and sending winds that cut through you like a knife.  She pales the sun and shows no mercy.

Beauty?  It will come.  This morning I marvelled at the November moon, and wished I could stop traffic to take pictures. (think I did the same last year)  It seemed to float on high, almost sympathizing with us as we scuttle along in sub zero temperatures on these dark mornings.

Will Winter bring us beauty this year?

About liz2you

Life just happens when you plan something else. 50 years spent in Africa and relevant stories.
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